Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness LEVEL 11: ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG

RIM OF THE EXCAVATION: Go around the fenced in excavation to the right.  A guard emerges from the trailer as you approach.  Take him out and enter the trailer.  Use the switch to turn on the power.  This activates the ventilation system, turns on a machine elsewhere, and powers up a hydraulic lift in the excavation area.  Exit the trailer and go right.  There's another guard under the tent ahead.  Deal with him, pick up the M-V9 clip he drops, and then go through the big metal doors to the right.

X-RAY MACHINE: If you've turned on the power (above), you can use the machine.  Face the desk with the controls and press Action.  Use the cursor keys/mouse to move the scanner.  Lara can see bones and other objects under the ground here.  Scan near the top right to locate the First Ancient Symbol.  When you have seen it, press Duck to disengage from the machine.  Be sure to pick up the printed symbol from the printer on the left side of the desk.  Then you have it in your inventory.

Exit this room and go right.  Inside the second trailer, you can pick up a printout of the Second Ancient Symbol.  Get it and go back outside.  Another guard waits on the left to ambush Lara.

Go around to the side of the fence, toward where you entered the level.  There's a break in the fence with a short ladder leading down.  Make your way down the scaffolding to the ground.  (On the middle level, where there's no ladder down, use the short hop—Walk + Jump—to get down to the scaffolding below.)

(NOTE: You can take a shortcut here.  On the top level of the scaffolding, go to the left toward the first long ladder.  Save your game in case you fall.  Now take a running jump over the railing to land on the rock ledge below the left end of the stone walkway.  Use the small wooden platform to reach the walkway.  Continue below with the 'Puzzle Door' section.)

EXCAVATION SITE: Take out the guard and go to the right side of the dig area.  Climb the rough-surfaced wall.  You can pause to refresh your grip on the small ledge halfway up.

(NOTE: I found this area a bit buggy in the PC version.  Lara would sometimes refuse to climb sideways, but if I pressed up and left or right cursors at the same time, she would climb diagonally.  Maybe this is equivalent to a diagonal press on the control stick.)

When you reach the upper ledge, turn and walk to the edge.  Jump straight up to grab the underside of the rock arch.  Traverse all the way across.  (Lara is just strong enough to make it.) Climb onto the small wooden platform and from there to the top of the walkway.

PUZZLE DOOR: Go to the middle of the walkway and turn left.  Use the switch to lower the hydraulic lift.  Note the circular trapdoor ahead.  This is the level exit.  You'll need to solve a puzzle to open it.

Return to the walkway, go back to the right and climb down to the ledge below the end of the walkway.  Save your game and carefully position Lara to side-flip onto the lift platform.  (If you jump forward, Lara grabs the underside of the walkway instead.) Approach the spinning symbol wheel.

To solve the puzzle, you need to manipulate the puzzle wheel and the four levers around the corner to the right.  The crank on the puzzle wheel rotates the symbols.  Each of the levers allows you to lock one of the symbol wheels in place.  The goal is to get the right sequence of symbols lined up between the metal brackets on the left side of the wheel.  You (hopefully) located two of the symbols in your explorations above.  The other two are among Von Croy's notes in your notebook.

To select the correct symbols, use the crank until the crescent moon symbol on the outer wheel is lined up in the brackets.  Now follow the scaffolding around to the right and use the leftmost lever to lock the first symbol in place.  Return to the puzzle wheel and use the crank until the First Ancient Symbol (the one you found using the x-ray machine) on the second wheel is lined up in the brackets.  Go back to the levers and use the second lever from the left to lock the second symbol in place.  Crank the wheels again to get the second ancient symbol(the one from the printer in the trailer) in position.  Use the third lever to lock it.  Finally, crank the inner wheel to select the fleur-de-lys/scorpion looking symbol.  This should open the circular trapdoor up above.

Jump back to the stone ledge below the walkway and climb back up to the trapdoor.  Drop through to the next level.

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Copyright © 2003 - Stellalune (e-mail  Special thanks are given to the participants in the newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written.  Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walkthrough, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions.  Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, please read and follow the instructions here.

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